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Our goal is to turn cutting-edge technology to healthcare innovation. Calculate your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. A new tool developed within the framework of the MOSAIC project. Paper publication in Expert Systems journal. BioSim at ECE NTUA Lab Day 2018. BioSim participated in ECE NTUA Lab Day 2018. Launch of the ENDORSE research project. Launch of two new research projects coordinated by BioSim.
Not a member yet? Request a new one here. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trust worthy health. The REACTION project is a 4-year project started in 2010. It is partly funded by the European Commission.
Stay In The Know! To join our mailing list, please. CIS, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK.
A new HIMSS Analytics study of 129 C-suite executives, IT professionals, clinicians and department heads has found 79. 8 percent use tablets and 42. 6 percent use smartphones to access the information needed to provide and coordinate care.
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It is distinguished by its high elasti . We opened a new, modern Car refinishing coatings centre. In the new Car refinishing coatings centre in Količevo at Domžale we joined in four storeys on 2. The innovation, that comes from the programme MOBIHEL is 2K sealer for application at lower temperatures.
Русскому катеру удалось захватить украинский десантный корабль Константин Ольшанский заблокированный в озере Донузлав в западной части Крымского полуострова. Оставшиеся верными присяге матросы сдались и спустили украинский флаг, подтвердил пресс-секретарь министерства обороны Украины в Крыму Владислав Селезнев на своей странице в Facebook.
Nov brezbarvni lak za izjemne rezultate. Odprli smo nov, modern avtoreparaturni center. V novem avtoreparaturnem centru na Količevem pri Domžalah smo v štirih etažah, na 2. Novost, ki prihaja iz programa MOBIHEL, je 2K predlak za aplikacijo pri nižjih temperaturah.